Tuesday 10 February 2015

Maths Teaching as Inquiry
At staff PD meeting we spent time identifying students in our class that are at risk because they are not meeting expectations for their time at school. We spent valuable time discussing with colleagues priority learning goals for identified students. This was valuable discussion time to identify  progressions and clarify next learning steps for each student.
Here are some good pointers from PD meeting:
Broaden student understanding by providing problems to solve that involve authentic challenges and opportunities to apply knowledge or strategy learnt in new situations.
Use other strands to pose problems that require students to apply number knowlegde
Use bigger numbers in problem solving
Don't waste learning opportunities teaching what they already know
Insist students use most advanced strategies known
Make sure students are extended across the strands and operational domains
Search out e-learning opportunities to practise skills and knowledge
Remember the ALiM resources on NZmaths when planning learning opportunities for at risk students
Fluid grouping enabling students to move groups as need dictates
Be aware of gaps in students knowledge to work on but don't hold them back from using advanced strategies because of this. Plug the gaps and keep them moving on strategy acquisition and problem solving.
Lots of positive reinforcement and feedback specific to task learning that boost confidence and 'I can do it' attitude of students in maths

PD on identifying At Risk Students

PD on identifying AT Risk students–led by Ana.  Professional Knowledge in Practise. Criteria 6-12 Spent time discussing the identification of our At Risk students using data gathered and measuring against National standards. Then began the setting of SMART goals for identified students on individual IEP forms. These goals will inform my focused inquiry for target groups.